Robot Recitals
- Humor
- Fun with language.
Bedfordshire Lyric Opera
- Tempest in a Tee Spot
- Ya Got Trouble
- Jimbo's Lament
- Course of the Squooshy Tees
- Lawyers: First they shake you up. Then they shake you down.
- Meebus and the M.T.A.
- The Right Way, the Wrong Way, and the FenWay
- Fenway and the Mean Trustees
- The Stepford Lives
- Little Golf Carts
- Into the Woods
- Tie a Colored Ribbon 'Round the Dead Elm Tree
Barsoom Tork's Song Parodies
- Prologue
- Mockingbird
- Chat Room Anthem
- Slouching To the Darker Side
- A Farewell to Harms
- Give My Regrets to Bela
- The Day Due Process Died
- North American Pie
- Dilbert & Sullivan Productions
- Pied Rants of Pissants
- A Snotty Number
- Pariah
- Shattered Dreams
- Heart of Glass
- Switch Track Ahead...
- Pity of Dead Forums
- Indigestible Kauderwelsch
- Allo-Oop
- Field Day
- Razz Barry Fields
- Drama Theory
- Shreklisch Onion
- Cher and Cher Alike
- Geeks, Nerds, Awkward Dweebs
- IF ... THEN ... OR ELSE ...
- RIAA Folk Anthem
- Mistakes Were Made
- Three Little Jerks
- Disruptive Balladeers
- My Disruptible Balloon
- Empathy
- I've Got a Feeling
- Bugger, Bugger
- Do Ya' Think I'm Crazy?
- Had Your Filll?
- Hound Blog
- Uffda!
- Jonny Get Angry
- Strangely Familiar
- Befuddled, Bothered, and Bedeviled
- Survival of the Filllest
- I Will Disengage