Ana Robles
Apdo. 41
27780 Foz (Lugo)

April 14th, 1997

Trustees of Bedfordshire
47 Mitchell Grant Way
Bedford MA 01730

Dear Sirs:

I am a teacher from Spain. Surfing the net in search of material for my lessons I have become aware of the situation at Bedfordshire. I regret to say that this is the kind of situation that enables a teacher to exemplify the distinction between legal and ethical behaviour, through a real life situation.

Unfortunately it will also enable me to introduce my students to the contradictions of a society that pays lip service to big ideals like preserving the environment while at the same time allows a part of its members to endanger the same environment for specious, usually petty reasons.

Maybe I should thank you, as a teacher, for the opportunities you have provided for my students development, but as a citizen of an interdependent world I feel threatened and sad. An attack to the environment in Bedfordshire endangers us all. The same, with even more reason, applies to an attack to the principles of ethical behaviour.

I don't think my students would feel gratitude neither.

Yours sincerely,

Ana Robles

c/c: Barry Kort