Craig L. Louis

April 4, 1997

Judge Margot Botsford
Courtroom 9B
Middlesex Superior Court
40 Thorndike Street
Cambridge, MA

Dear Judge Botsford,

It was with the greatest disappointment that I read of Dr. Barry Kort's legal difficulties with the Bedfordshire Condominium Association. As you must already know, Dr. Kort has worked for many years with great enthusiasm and with some personal sacrifice to make use of the evolving field of electronic group communication for child education. It is of particular irony that after all these years of public service Dr. Kort should have to face heavy financial penalty and the possible eviction because of a refusal to pay comparativly small levies, which themselves were based on an illegal use of public assets for the personal gain of a few selfish community members.

Anything you can do to see that this disaster proceeds no further will be very much appreciated.


Craig L. Louis
Founder and Member of The Board
Causeway, Inc.