Letter of support for Barry Kort regarding the Wetlands dispute.

Paula Etzel
137 S. Ireland Blvd
Mansfield, Ohio 44906
(419) 529-5456

This document is addressed to the following

Bob Avakian, Chairman, Bedford Planning Board
Lora Goldenberg, Chairwoman, Bedford Board of Selectmen
Elizabeth Bagdonas, Bedford Conservation Commission
Ron Wetmore, Bedford Code Enforcement Office
10 Mudge Way
Bedford, MA 01730

I have been following, very carefully, the ongoing saga of the Bedford Wetlands. I now wish to speak, as a concerned citizen of this country, about the outrage that I feel concerning your previous and present actions in regards to this matter.

I have been a public school teacher for twenty-five years. In that time, I have participated in "Outdoor Schools", nature trail projects, environmental projects taken on by the school and/or our students, and many other events that stressed to our young people the importance of preserving and protecting our environment and "preserved sites". I have kept my students up to date concerning your obvious disregard of not only the importance of these sites, but also the laws you have set aside in this matter. They are very interested in the outcomes of this situation.

Mr. Avakian, it is beyond my capacity of reason to understand why you had no knowledge of your fellow Board members actions..."I am very curious to know who signed off on this project," Avakian said in an interview. "It appears to me now that certain individuals have simply failed to carry out their responsibilities on the town's behalf." This certainly speaks of not only neglect of your responsibilities, but apparent lack of knowledge concerning your fellow Board members.

"Bedford tax assessor Paul Asher said he hasn't figured the value of a golf course into the Bedfordshire property tax bill because "blue-sky amenities such as a golf course don't show up on my computer models and are therefore hard to appraise."

Was the above statement said in jest, or complicity?? I fail to believe a tax assessor could be that ignorant of computer technology.

Is it honestly possible that any of you now serving could have overlooked the fact that a major developer was reconstructing a golf course on public lands??

"Patricia Ardito, who voted on the special permit in 1986 and who had served continuously on the board until she lost her seat in this month's town election, said the Planning Board was never consulted during that period about any change in use for the land. Any such notice would have triggered a series of public hearings and site surveys."

Other projects have been cited concerning the restrictions of use of public lands for other intended projects, such as the construction of the first multiple housing projects. If, as stated, this project was initiated before the golf course construction, why did the developers of the course able to begin without permits? Is this lawful? Is it just? I think not.

Other violations of the Wetlands have also been cited, but I will not continue to address what is obviously blatant disregard for the laws of your state. The central issue here is far more important. Mr. Barry Kort, in my opinion, is doing his duty as a citizen to object to this outright violation of public, preserved lands. Most citizens would not take the stand he has held in the face of the possible outcomes. He is a scientist, involved with the education of our children. How could he not take a stand?? Your state officials of Planning have made statements concerning the illegality of this use of public lands. Can he, as an informed citizen, overlook the fact that the very thing to which he has devoted his life is being "played out" in his own back yard? Can he turn aside from the fact the citizens of your town were restricted from these lands because the developers had put up "No Trespassing" signs? Hardly...

In conclusion, if nothing can be done to reverse the damage to the Wetlands, then I would certainly hope, as Officers of the Government, you would respect Mr. Kort's courage as a citizen, and support him in his objection to payment for something that is in total conflict of his values as a citizen of your town, state, and this country.


Paula Etzel