MicroMUSE / MuseNet Receives 1996 NII Award

MicroMUSE / MuseNet (Multi-User Science Education Network) has won recognition from the National Information Insfrastructure (NII).

The judges for the prestigious NII Awards have singled out MicroMUSE / MuseNet for a Certificate of Merit in the 1996 competition, for path-breaking innovation in children's education on the Internet. "The Certificate of Merit is awarded to projects that have distinguished themselves in a particular area, or have accomplished something extraordinary overall," said Jeannine Parker, Director of the Awards Competition.

"MicroMUSE / MuseNet has been recognized by our Judges as an exceptional project," Parker said. "In awarding the Certificate of Merit, they made the following comment about your entry: An extraordinary example of corporations partnering with schools and providing value to both parties."

The Citation reads: "The NII Awards recognize extraordinary achievement in a new era of communication and knowledge and offer a compelling vision of what is possible when human creativity embraces network technology. The Awards program helps people learn from models of excellence and achieve new heights of prosperity, community, and health in an increasingly connected world."

Parker wrote in a letter to Barry Kort, Founding Director of MicroMUSE / MuseNet, "We are extremely grateful for your participation in our program, and very proud of your contribution. You are truly a champion of cyberspace."

NII has expanded its reach for 1997 and is now known as Global Information Infrastructure (GII). Sponsored by a uniquely powerful community of private and public sector leaders, the Awards have been highlighted on CNN and showcased at the historic Presidents' Summit for America's Future. USA Today calls the Awards "prestigious -- a cross between the Oscars and the Baldrige Awards." Vice President Al Gore calls the Awards program "an innovation that is important to our future."

"I am honored that the 1996 NII Awards Program has selected MicroMUSE / MuseNet for a Certificate of Merit in the Children Award category for Pioneering Innovation in Children's Educational Computer Networking," said Kort. "MicroMUSE / MuseNet continues to demonstrate the value of Educational Community Building on the Internet, and the power of Discovery Learning to turn young people on to the joys of collaboration and project-based learning.

"I hope that our example and our model of online learning communities will continue to inspire other pioneers to further bring the fruits of innovation to the children of the world, and to empower them to become life-long learners and life-long contributors to the advance of knowledge, the advance of civilization, and the advance of peace and world harmony," he said.

For more information about the Awards, see the many NII/GII pages on the World Wide Web.

Read the complete text of the Certificate of Merit and accompanying Cover Letter.